Free Range by Bill Whitehead for March 09, 2009

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    Valis616  almost 16 years ago

    The Bush administration has a lot to answer for…

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  2. Just checkin
    Northwoodser  almost 16 years ago

    Like keeping us safe all these years. Get a life and move on.

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    Valis616  almost 16 years ago

    Um, who’s your “us” may I ask? Between 100 000 and 2 000 000 civilian deaths in Iraq, how “safe” are they? Or don’t those lives count, seeing as they’re not American? Typical arrogant jingoistic American response, and you wonder why the whole world hates you.

    PS. Also note the arrogant assumption that everyone who posts here are American. You comprise less than five percent of the world population, get a life.

    PPS. I know not all Americans are this arrogant, apologies to those who are rational, thoughtful, informed, and post on Pharyngula ;-)

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  4. Me02
    rookie26201  almost 16 years ago

    The world hates us because they are not us. Our men and women in uniform make this world a better and safer place.

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    marieuh  almost 16 years ago

    riiiiiight ^^

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    Wrathleader  almost 16 years ago

    wow, I am American, but do not judge all of us based off of the examples of the few. I will agree that the Bush administration wasn’t perfect, but he wasn’t the anti-christ as many people seem to think. Just as the Obama administration will make mistakes and President Obama is not perfect and he is not the messiah. They are both human, just as those in europe, asia, africa, australia, and those in the Americas are human. And as humans, we are not perfect and we all attempt to do what we think is best, based upon our knowledge at the time when we make decisions, and as the say hindsight is 20/20.

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  7. Simpsonized me close up
    mrprongs  almost 16 years ago

    Safe from what? terrorist verbal attacks? “Silence! We keel you!” Ooh scary. Bush attacked us far worse. It was practically a return to McCarthyism.

    Our soldiers made this world a better and safer place? Thanks to Bush deploying them, things got worse for a lot more people. Everybody hates us because of him. Before, only a few hated us.

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    Wrathleader  almost 16 years ago

    So, it is Former President Bush’s fault that the USA was attacked on 9-11-2001? And the increase of terrorist attacks in Europe were his fault as well?

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    backrubber  almost 16 years ago

    Mr. P,

    Jeff Dunham Rulz!

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