Edge City by Terry and Patty LaBan for April 27, 2022

  1. Stormking
    mountainclimber  almost 3 years ago

    The maternal instinct is more than over-rated, it can be dangerous to marriage and to comic strips.

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    scyphi26  almost 3 years ago

    For some it is, Len. Not saying it’s a good idea for you to go ahead and pursue a third child at this time, of course, but I am saying Abby’s feelings on the matter also shouldn’t just be dismissed out of hand, as that could only add the problem. The best way to resolve this is help her find a way to find peace with these feelings.

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  3. Dvincent
    dv1093  almost 3 years ago

    Think about it? That’s not how it works, Len.

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    Thorby  almost 3 years ago

    Like I said….tick, tick, tick (biological clock)

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    Bwingblue1  almost 3 years ago

    He obviously doesn’t want any more kids, so she should be happy with the ones she has and not think so selfishly. I know couples that will never have any kids because one of them refuses to have any. Len should just grow a pair and tell her he doesn’t want any more, and that he’s happy with the family they have.

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  6. 9a61ec07410e91ff118cd354baf25d1f sticker
    Laurie Stoker Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    BIG mistake, Len. Choose your next words carefully.

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