Clay Bennett for June 26, 2009

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 15 years ago

    by the HALF hour?

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  2. Grimace
    Lt_Lanier  about 15 years ago

    No cuckold truly sympathizes with Sanford, and can you blame them? I think what irks me is the very nature of the man, a well-intentioned do-gooder that criticizes the Administration for its hubris (and Jove knows I am not a fan of Obama and that idiot press secretary Robert Glib–er, Gibbs, sorry), and he turns out to be a meddling example of lilliputian piety (like Jimmy Carter bemoaning the three martini lunch as an example of the “banality of evil”, stick to sipping Nestea and strychnine with Jesus in your living room, Jimmy, please, and shut up about Hamas). Adultery is the practice of democracy in love taken to its final rung on the bedpost, but does no one remember the libidinous excesses of both Kennedy brothers, Hart, Clinton, Ken Mehlman, McGreevey, Edwards, to name a few of the failed political fathers that were caught shtupping on the clock at the expense of the public mammary? If you are in the public eye, be mindful, for conscience is the fear that someone, somewhere, may be watching, and growing resentful. Moreover, that being said, political man is arrogant to think that he can lead, or inspire others, regardless of party affiliation, when he cannot get his own affairs in order, since these guys are only doing in private what they’ve been doing publicly (and shamelessly) for decades in government: shtupping the taxpayer, without lube, too. Political man is like a one-lunged animal and perfect, as, say, a cockroach is perfect. And we all know what we do to cockroaches, don’t we?

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  3. Grimace
    Lt_Lanier  about 15 years ago

    To those of you disillusioned with the two-party panty raid: Give Fascism a chance.

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  4. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 15 years ago

    IrishEddie – agreed, well said.

    Cpt. Lanier – Clinton’s been brought up numerous times on this list, and in at least a couple of cartoons I’ve seen just today. The difference is he never ran on a “Moral Values” ticket, nor belonged to the Promise Keepers, nor spouted any sanctimonious nonsense demanding that the immoral resign their office. The Republicans – including numerous members of the sleazebag contingent – did.

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  5. Missing large
    comsymp  about 15 years ago

    ANandy wants to avoid this real issue which is not the infidelity, but rather the hypocrisy of pious Republican politicians.

    The Democrats he listed did not make a career out of calling the morality of others into question, but there is a large faction within the GOP that seems completely obsessed with promoting the virtues of family values and sexual morality. They relish attacking other elected officials for personal transgressions and try to force their own strict religiosity on the population at large. Over the past 30 years, the GOP has taken biblical law, and made it the party’s legislative priority.

    So, when one of this flock strays, when one of these paragons of virtue is exposed as a charlatan, it certainly makes the entire Republican Party sound like it’s preaching a hollow sermon.

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  6. Missing large
    comsymp  about 15 years ago

    ANandy is still harping on Clinton. It’s predictable, and a little bit sad, that he’s still pointing back to an administration that wasn’t even of this century. Let’s keep this a bit more current and look at a list of more recent sex scandals (say, the past 5 years):

    Mark ‘Appalachian Trail’ Sanford, cheats on his wife with an Argentine honey.

    Nevada Senator John “Promise Keeper’ Ensign (the No. 4 Republican in the Senate) admitted to an affair with a member of his staff.

    A fellow Nevada Republican, Gov. Jim ‘Hugh Hefner’ Gibbons is in the midst of salacious divorce proceedings, where his wife has accused him of extramarital affairs with several women, including a former Playboy model.

    Vito ‘Not THAT Daughter’ Fossella, the lone Republican congressman from New York City was arrested for driving under the influence in Virginia. He told police he was on his way to seeing his 3-year-old daughter, who was ill. The child, however, was one he had with his mistress.

    Conservative GOP senator from Idaho, Larry ‘Wide Stance’ Craig was arrested in a Minneapolis airport men’s room on a charge of lewd conduct. Craig pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct but denied widespread rumors that he is gay. He subsequently decided to retire in 2008.

    GOP Senator from Louisiana, David ‘Family Values’ Vitter was connected to a prostitution ring by phone records to the notorious DC Madame.

    Conservative Florida congressman Mark ‘Text Appeal’ Foley was found to be sending explicit instant message conversations to male, underage, congressional pages.

    Republican congressman from Virginia, Ed ‘But I’m Married’ Schrock announced he would not seek re-election in August of 2004 after he was “outed” on a Web site as being gay. There were accusations that Schrock, married with a child, had utilized a service in which men seek liaisons with other men.

    Now, before anyone says, ‘But Democrats do it too’, I know that, good and well. Eliot Spitzer and John Edwards were scandalized but similar revelations in the past year-and-a-half. But again, neither of those men based their political lives on exploiting the personal indiscretions of others, so the real transgression here- hypocrisy - isn’t an issue.

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  7. Dscf0120b
    pswhitlark  about 15 years ago

    He might be a hypocrite, but that still beats someone who believes in “Moral Equivalency”. They have no morals. (Gee!? Whatever happened to “It’s only ‘sex’. It’s between him and his wife”? I seem to remember hearing that a lot in relation with a certain Democrat President.

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  8. Missing large
    comsymp  about 15 years ago

    It is only sex, and therefore not, in and of itself, an impeachable offense. We’ll leave it to the citizens and lawmakers of South Carolina to sort of what behavior may be worthy of impeachment.

    Don’t forget, (again, pointing out his own hypocrisy) Mark Sanford was one of the loudest voices in Congress, lambasting President Clinton, and Speaker designate- Bob Livingston for similar transgressions.

    Sanford is a hypocrite- of monumental scale. And all of you out there who made such a big deal out of the Clinton affair, but are soft-peddling this story now- you guys are hypocrites too.


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