Ah yes, the guard twins. Love these guys! (The chickens, not so much. They’re evil.)
But apparently they can tie knots.
Oh yeah. Well, everyone knows that cats can’t interrupt the space time continuum and introduce a Cthulhu into a quiet suburban bathroom too. Right?
Of course not. They all fear the rotisserie
The dog’s expression on the left looks like Wacko Warner from Animaniacs.
If chickens can’t start fires, where do HOT wings come from?
Crazy eyes on the left AND they change position too.
WOW!!!! 2 Pitties. Annie has some role models beyond a laid back Lab.
I don’t think these chickens know that.
The chickens were going have a party where they ridicule, insult, and tell embarassing stories about Sophie. And they don’t even know her!
But chickens can tie knots in rope?
Brian Anderson
Ida No about 3 years ago
Ah yes, the guard twins. Love these guys! (The chickens, not so much. They’re evil.)
momofalex7 about 3 years ago
But apparently they can tie knots.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 3 years ago
Oh yeah. Well, everyone knows that cats can’t interrupt the space time continuum and introduce a Cthulhu into a quiet suburban bathroom too. Right?
WCraft about 3 years ago
Of course not. They all fear the rotisserie
Tweet&Bleat about 3 years ago
The dog’s expression on the left looks like Wacko Warner from Animaniacs.
CccComics4me about 3 years ago
If chickens can’t start fires, where do HOT wings come from?
John9 about 3 years ago
Crazy eyes on the left AND they change position too.
Vangoghdog01 about 3 years ago
WOW!!!! 2 Pitties. Annie has some role models beyond a laid back Lab.
cuzinron47 about 3 years ago
I don’t think these chickens know that.
mikeywilly about 3 years ago
The chickens were going have a party where they ridicule, insult, and tell embarassing stories about Sophie. And they don’t even know her!
MrThreeman about 3 years ago
But chickens can tie knots in rope?