It’s nothing to sneeze at.
It’s the sphinx effect.
Sadly, that actually happened to the “Old Man of the Mountain”…
a several story tall natural rock outcropping on a New Hampshire cliff, that viewed from one side, looked like a craggy face.
It was a state landmark; it’s still pictured on NH license plates and some US stamps…though it collapsed about 20 years ago.
I hope they keep good supply of giant tissues and enormous vitamin C tablets on hand for Mount Rushmore…
I’d hate to see it really happen there.
Charlie Podrebarac
July 10, 2015
davidob about 3 years ago
It’s nothing to sneeze at.
The Reader Premium Member about 3 years ago
It’s the sphinx effect.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 3 years ago
Sadly, that actually happened to the “Old Man of the Mountain”…
a several story tall natural rock outcropping on a New Hampshire cliff, that viewed from one side, looked like a craggy face.
It was a state landmark; it’s still pictured on NH license plates and some US stamps…though it collapsed about 20 years ago.
I hope they keep good supply of giant tissues and enormous vitamin C tablets on hand for Mount Rushmore…
I’d hate to see it really happen there.