Imagine This by Lucas Turnbloom for January 22, 2025

  1. P1030260
    einarbt  about 1 month ago

    This might be going dark soon.

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  2. 52235711 609503869514283 2056609200942874624 n
    oakie9531  about 1 month ago

    cue the dark ambient music with discordant overtones which, although broadly tonal, is inflected with chromatic and polytonal passages representing the archetypal example of a florid, melodramatic style without being interpreted as an overly heavy-handed metaphor within the context of the thematic material a bit on the frenetic and frantic side with interesting rhythmic devices which seem to counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor utilizing a novel imaging technique known as positron emission tomography and the spontaneous nondenominational conceptions by expansively recontextualizing liminal narratives of colonic hydrotherapy with a twinge of giddiness

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