Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for March 29, 2022

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 3 years ago

    Like Johnny Carson or something, Mr. P?

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    seanfear  almost 3 years ago

    I’m an early retiree – nothing good about it but still better than waking up every morning to go to some place you hate and still you need to work to avoid being questioned and held responsible. So, yeah, early retirement is good whatever it takes

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    Teto85 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Pendleton makes excellent woollens.

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    Thanksfortheinfo2000  almost 3 years ago

    With streaming, you can stay up all night watching TV, if you want. And none of it has to be good.

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    mistercatworks  almost 3 years ago

    So, early retirement it is, then?

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    MT Wallet   almost 3 years ago

    Someone called and asked if my father had retired. No, he had not gone to bed.

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    cuzinron47  almost 3 years ago

    There’s always Netflix.

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    Sailor46 USN 65-95  almost 3 years ago

    I retired twice, both before 62.

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    Bwingblue1  almost 3 years ago

    Retirement like hell. Wish I could afford to. My back got destroyed from all the various physical jobs I’ve had since I was 17. Now I have to go back to school and earn a degree in a less physically demanding field so I can go out and compete with 20 year olds for work. Also a few years too young for SS and medicare.

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