Gas prices too high? Food prices getting outta hand. Cars?…whoa crazy money to be spent.Everyone complains about not enough money to go around. But come on, bro let’s spend about 4,000 dollars on a gun!Ammo’s how much? Need lots. Wow that’s pricey! But gotta practice to commit mayhem and murder.
No Frank/Bob, it is not your fault; and, you’re right…..that stain will soak right though the insincere “thoughts and prayers” of the power hungry and their paranoid followers.
How about some proposals instead of what is being said here.
Here is one…
If an 18 year old boy goes into a store, or whatever, and buys weapons (in this particular case, rifles and hand guns), he should have to wait until a thorough back ground check is done, BEFORE the weapons are given to him. And that would involve the kind of background check people go through if they join the armed forces, especially in some kind of intelligence MOD.
And of course, not just 18 year old boys… this would apply to anyone purchasing a weapon.
Such a check might take weeks or months, but that’s OK because you are checking out someone who is purchasing weapons.
(I learned later that the background check I had done on me by the army/government, because I was entering into intelligence work, took more than 3 months to complete.)
Would this be worth the effort? Well, it sure would be worth the life of a third grade child.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 2 years ago
THIS HAS TO STOP! write your legislators. If enough people do this ….even the ones to are cozy with the NRA. They want to get reelected.
gokar n t fa over 2 years ago
Gas prices too high? Food prices getting outta hand. Cars?…whoa crazy money to be spent.Everyone complains about not enough money to go around. But come on, bro let’s spend about 4,000 dollars on a gun!Ammo’s how much? Need lots. Wow that’s pricey! But gotta practice to commit mayhem and murder.
Priorities, are all messed.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 2 years ago
but that’s what certain folks keep throwing at it
[Unnamed Reader - 71fe13] over 2 years ago
I’ve never felt to helpless.
gary.eddings4157 Premium Member over 2 years ago
No Frank/Bob, it is not your fault; and, you’re right…..that stain will soak right though the insincere “thoughts and prayers” of the power hungry and their paranoid followers.
Emlyn Premium Member over 2 years ago
Thoughts and prayers are a joke! Fire the legislators who won’t do anything!
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 2 years ago
How about some proposals instead of what is being said here.
Here is one…
If an 18 year old boy goes into a store, or whatever, and buys weapons (in this particular case, rifles and hand guns), he should have to wait until a thorough back ground check is done, BEFORE the weapons are given to him. And that would involve the kind of background check people go through if they join the armed forces, especially in some kind of intelligence MOD.
And of course, not just 18 year old boys… this would apply to anyone purchasing a weapon.
Such a check might take weeks or months, but that’s OK because you are checking out someone who is purchasing weapons.
(I learned later that the background check I had done on me by the army/government, because I was entering into intelligence work, took more than 3 months to complete.)
Would this be worth the effort? Well, it sure would be worth the life of a third grade child.