Pluggers by Rick McKee for November 23, 2008

  1. Ha thur  har ewe
    stpatme  over 16 years ago

    That’s what cruise control is for.

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  2. The dawg
    widjibeaker  over 16 years ago

    Is that because the driver won’t go any faster, or because the car won’t? (I’ve had both - at once.)

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    joylederman  about 16 years ago

    On a recent roadtrip with my Dad, I commented that “I know I’m getting old—the speed limit actually feels like the right speed.”

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    mgysgtphil9  about 16 years ago

    Dear Sirs, I don’t understand why Pluggers doesn’t post on Monday, or even as late as Wed? But it is seen in the news paper? philip

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  5. Sc000fe15a
    DebJ4  about 16 years ago

    For those who missed the discussion last week - the HOUSTON CHRONICLE usually has their MONDAY Pluggers posted by around Midnight MOUNTAIN time.

    But I LOVE getting the SUNDAY Pluggers in color at Go Comics. A win-win situation all the way around!

    Once again - the link to the Houston Chronicle funnies (Unfortunately, the Houston Chronicle has not been posting the SUNDAY Funnies - but they are Johnny on the spot with the Monday Funnies!

    Good luck!


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  6. Alife
    alife  about 16 years ago

    Thanks to Johnny :D Deborah Reyes says: Unfortunately, the Houston Chronicle has not been posting the SUNDAY Funnies - but they are Johnny on the spot with the Monday Funnies! HOUSTON CHRONICLE FUNNIES

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    ronboret  about 16 years ago

    That is because 1. A Plugger’s speedometer does not work. or 2. A Plugger never speeeds. Ron Smiley

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  8. German shepherd 18
    Daviddeer  about 16 years ago

    I’m in my late forties and I can tell how fast or slow I’m going by the sound of the engine and by the road noise from my tires.

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    bubbie7  about 16 years ago

    radar detectors are wonderful

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    ralphman  about 16 years ago

    wouldn’t know, haven’t had a speeding ticket in 40years.

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  11. Peace 2
    makeme01  about 16 years ago

    by the looks of THAT car… its busted and the cop is there because when the car… a-breaks down, b-runs out of gas or c-both a and b…. it will have to take him home.

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