When I worked at the plastics molding factory a skinny little girl (who thought at 90+ pounds she was over weight) gave me one of her rice cakes. (this was a fairly new product then) When she asked how was it I said it could use some chocolate syrup & ice cream. Her response was that defeated the purpose of eating them! Wasn’t too long after that I started seeing them in stores with flavors.
Yakety Sax 9 months ago
When I worked at the plastics molding factory a skinny little girl (who thought at 90+ pounds she was over weight) gave me one of her rice cakes. (this was a fairly new product then) When she asked how was it I said it could use some chocolate syrup & ice cream. Her response was that defeated the purpose of eating them! Wasn’t too long after that I started seeing them in stores with flavors.
mistercatworks 9 months ago
Ten wrappers.