On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for June 05, 2024

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    mathteacher678  9 months ago

    It was partly that. It was also the government pressuring the banks to lend to people who had little chance of paying the bill. And it was people who took out mortgages at low rates that were variable rates, sure to go up, or with eventual balloon payments. It was also people borrowing more money than the house was worth and spending it on home improvements they couldn’t afford – or on boats, etc.

    It was a whole lot of stupidity in many places.

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    lotsalaffs Premium Member 9 months ago

    As a retired banker I heartily endorse today’s strip. I wasn’t in residential lending but I saw it happening quite clearly and I have no sympathy for the lenders who got burned making loans to unqualified borrowers and in markets they were totally unfamiliar with.

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    sandflea  9 months ago

    They just write it off as a business expense.

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  4. King
    Roscoe  9 months ago

    and WE bail them out

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  5. Rhonda
    tigerave Premium Member 9 months ago

    But the bank doesn’t come to you to try to give you a loan you can’t afford. It’s still your choice!!

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