Chuck Draws Things by Chuck Mullin for July 15, 2022

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    dadempse81  over 2 years ago

    Brain chemistry and hormones are really hard to specifically target, and its seems that everyone is a little different here. Maybe it’s also a case of it being more difficult to test these types of drugs on animals, so the trial and error process with human efficacy takes longer. I know with these mental health drugs it always feels like let-throw-****-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks.

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    Willi Nilli Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Ditto to fuzzybritches

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    crazeekatlady  over 2 years ago

    One anti anxiety med caused me to cry the entire day, the next day that is, after I took it. Not needed on a regular basis. Changed meds, and waiting to see what the side effects will be, if any. Now the antidepressant has been working marvelously for decades!

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    Buoy  over 2 years ago

    There are much better ways to alter your chemistry. Excited that research is finally opening up into alternative avenues.

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    daisypekin01  over 2 years ago

    I thought years ago that we should’ve had a way of testing blood &/or brain fluids to determine insufficiencies &/or overloads, but no-ooo.

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