One Big Happy by Rick Detorie for August 07, 2023

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    drbee  over 1 year ago

    I’m not sure Ruthie is quite clear on the concept of ‘running away’.

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    The Reader Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Ruthie rules!

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    exness Premium Member over 1 year ago

    50 years ago, my daughter walked away with another little girl while I was working in the yard. The cop who came asked me what I had done to make her run away. Still mad at him for being a jerk. She was 2.

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    jagedlo  over 1 year ago

    When you get home, Ruthie, look up the word “ironic”

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    AmissaSada  over 1 year ago

    The Texas Trail Riders stop at my father’s property every once in a while because he’s got the space for them to park overnight. They usually arrive well after kid’s bedtimes, so in the morning, we’d wake up to see horses and trailers and trucks from the dining room window. As a kid, it’s super exciting and we’d go out, look at the horses and greet the riders.

    My niece woke up one morning and went out talking with everyone. She was four years old, so my father kept an eye on her from his advantage point in the house, which was higher than the yard. He heard the call that they were packing up to move out, and having lost sight of her, went outside to find her. He couldn’t find her, so he headed back to the house to get his truck keys and drive around to find her. Just as he was approaching the house, there was my niece walking out, with her clothes and stuffed animal in a grocery bag. She was planning to “run away” with the Texas Trail Riders. My father broke the news to her that she couldn’t go and there were some tears, but she waved goodbye as they rode off.

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    tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 1 year ago

    On some level Ruthie knows the rules are there for a good reason

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    Michael Joss  over 1 year ago

    When I was about 8 years old the little girl from next door arrived one evening and announced she was running away from home. I asked her where she was going and she said “Here” I tried to explain that we had no room for her but she had me defeated (she knew there were two beds in my bedroom) Fortunately her mother showed up soon and took her home.

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    kab2rb  over 1 year ago

    Ruthie can go to grandparents house.

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