One Big Happy by Rick Detorie for June 14, 2024

  1. Eveningledger connie
    Johnny Q Premium Member 9 months ago

    My sister was babysitting a little kid who said, “Do you see that? Under there!”

    “Under where?”

    “Ha-ha, you used a dirty word! You used the word ‘underwear’!”

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  2. 20200731 022904 img 1291   copy
    Niko S  9 months ago

    It seems to me that teaching young kids that certain words are dirty makes sense to some degree however when you include words like bras and panties and underwear it takes us back to the dark ages when they used to call them “unmentionables” because OMG a bra can contain boobs and wow boobs are dirty right? NOT!!!! So yes teach them not to say swears like the f words and that is all you need to do them right.

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