Heh. I’m reminded, don’t really know why, of the cartoon showing a woman watering the grass while the guy pushes a lawn mower and says “Do you have to ENCOURAGE it?”
My late wife and our greenhouse friends conspired to create our flower gardens. Then when she became confined to a wheelchair she bragged about the the wonderful garden I planted. It was just a big paint by number job. I did design the hidden watering system.
Erse IS better over 2 years ago
Heh. I’m reminded, don’t really know why, of the cartoon showing a woman watering the grass while the guy pushes a lawn mower and says “Do you have to ENCOURAGE it?”
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 2 years ago
My late wife and our greenhouse friends conspired to create our flower gardens. Then when she became confined to a wheelchair she bragged about the the wonderful garden I planted. It was just a big paint by number job. I did design the hidden watering system.