The nature of man…you might want peace, but your neighbor might want your land, your money, your resources, and is willing to take it from you unless you stop him. And if you are weak, and no one else will help, he’ll take it. Peace is a great and noble idea, but unless we’re all turned into things without feelings, no love, no hate, no envy, we’ll never achieve it.
bxclent Premium Member over 2 years ago
will never happen- someone somewhere will always hate someone else somewhere else – it is the nature of mankind
Robert Miller Premium Member over 2 years ago
The nature of man…you might want peace, but your neighbor might want your land, your money, your resources, and is willing to take it from you unless you stop him. And if you are weak, and no one else will help, he’ll take it. Peace is a great and noble idea, but unless we’re all turned into things without feelings, no love, no hate, no envy, we’ll never achieve it.
Teto85 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Fewer people. But that’s about 4 billion things.