Be very careful when you get close to retirement. It is more profitable for the company to find an excuse to fire you than let you draw your pension, plus they can hire 2 or 3 people for what they pay you.
I’ve been on for 40 years. Sure they can hire new guys. But my 40 years of experience wipes out their value. It would take 20 years for them to learn half of what I know and can do.
seanfear over 2 years ago
apparently her space-time continuum doesn’t belong to your dimension
Doctor Toon over 2 years ago
I’ve been working for a union grocery store for 21 years
The only way to make more money than I do now is to go for management, the first level of which is only a dollar an hour more
No thanks
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 2 years ago
In some instances depending on the company longevity has its rewards
hk Premium Member over 2 years ago
Be very careful when you get close to retirement. It is more profitable for the company to find an excuse to fire you than let you draw your pension, plus they can hire 2 or 3 people for what they pay you.
Vet Premium Member over 2 years ago
I’ve been on for 40 years. Sure they can hire new guys. But my 40 years of experience wipes out their value. It would take 20 years for them to learn half of what I know and can do.