Winston Churchill on not ending a sentence with a preposition. “This is the arrant pedantry up with which I will not put.” Proving the ridiculous of always avoiding it.
By the way, English is a Germanic language, not a Romance language. No such rule for Germanic language. Only for Latin based language. Look it up.
SHIVA almost 2 years ago
Even teachers can be wrong!!
hfergus Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Winston Churchill on not ending a sentence with a preposition. “This is the arrant pedantry up with which I will not put.” Proving the ridiculous of always avoiding it.
By the way, English is a Germanic language, not a Romance language. No such rule for Germanic language. Only for Latin based language. Look it up.
Hydrohead almost 2 years ago
This is some Strunk & White BS.
Teto85 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I’m gonna just boldly go away.