Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for October 19, 2002
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling The Bare-Knuckled Justice of JUDGE SCALIA Judge Scalia is engaged in the manly sport of BEAR-TAUNTING when... Thomas: JUDGE SCALIA! Scalia: This had better be good, Thomas! Thomas: The NEW JERSEY SUPREME COURT ruled that the Democrats CAN replace Torricelli as their candidate for Senate! Scalia: Those lily-livered liberals are about to get an OVERRULING with EXTREME PREJUDICE! Rehnquist: SCALIA! Scalia: Judge Rehnquist! SCREECH Rehnquist: I've trained you well. You're a judge of action. But unlike Bush v. Gore, HERE we must EXERCISE RESTRAINT! Scalia: What?! But, wise one, THIS time the state court is actually WRONG! Rehnquist: Yes, but it's a piddling senate election. We must reserve our abuses of power for the BIG stuff! Scalia: C'mon! Lemme take those panty-waisted Jersey judges! Rehnquist: We shall refuse to hear the case, without comment. Scalia: Grrr...well, someone's gotta pay! Rehnquist: Very well. We'll take on some death penalty cases. You'll feel better after you uphold some execution! NEXT Action-packed Capital Catharsis
Applemask over 2 years ago
He wasn’t even dead yet