As someone famous once said (Garfield) i think. Diet is the word die with a t on the end.
He’s begging for “thought for food.” Kinda like a penny for your thoughts but Ziggy will take a cheeseburger.
The longer you wait to eat, the less weight in your seat.
June 27, 2016
June 28, 2021
allen@home about 2 years ago
As someone famous once said (Garfield) i think. Diet is the word die with a t on the end.
EnlilEnkiEa about 2 years ago
He’s begging for “thought for food.” Kinda like a penny for your thoughts but Ziggy will take a cheeseburger.
Frank Burns Eats Worms about 2 years ago
The longer you wait to eat, the less weight in your seat.