The first record of a Christmas tree being on display was in the 1830s by the German settlers of Pennsylvania, although trees had been a tradition in many German homes much earlier. The Pennsylvania German settlements had community trees as early as 1747.
Ida No about 2 years ago
Cats have the same problem.
Zebrastripes about 2 years ago
The first record of a Christmas tree being on display was in the 1830s by the German settlers of Pennsylvania, although trees had been a tradition in many German homes much earlier. The Pennsylvania German settlements had community trees as early as 1747.
Zebrastripes about 2 years ago
Baby beaver just had the instinct to chop it down…LOL
Christmas trees are not a religious symbol but a seasonal decoration.
Frank Burns Eats Worms about 2 years ago
That beaver’s doing some early Christmas chopping.
gopher gofer about 2 years ago
sounds like mrs beaver’s been chewing this over for a while now…