You’ll never get the chance. You don’t know who you’re dealing with.
Little do they know that a Haywire going off a cliff is just another Tuesday.
Not on the Haywire’s “Watch” capabilities!!!
Cliff-shmiff, as long as he doesn’t land on the back of his head, he’ll be fine. And very angry.
Pushing a Haywire off a cliff can be dangerous for the people who do the pushing.
Dan Thompson
May 03, 2014
October 25, 2017
allen@home about 2 years ago
You’ll never get the chance. You don’t know who you’re dealing with.
Hugh B. Hayve about 2 years ago
Little do they know that a Haywire going off a cliff is just another Tuesday.
Knightman Premium Member about 2 years ago
Not on the Haywire’s “Watch” capabilities!!!
Chithing about 2 years ago
Cliff-shmiff, as long as he doesn’t land on the back of his head, he’ll be fine. And very angry.
oakie817 about 2 years ago
tad1 about 2 years ago
tad1 about 2 years ago
Pushing a Haywire off a cliff can be dangerous for the people who do the pushing.