The Big Picture by Lennie Peterson for February 10, 2023

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    stairsteppublishing  about 2 years ago

    Don’t like herrings, but that is a personal perference. Being Dutch she probably would have loved the comment.

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    Doctor Toon  about 2 years ago

    Hope they weren’t offended

    Isn’t it bad luck to be in Dutch with the Dutch?

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    W Crowley Premium Member about 2 years ago

    Hmm. I would have asked for space cake. Was that a thing back then?

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    ChessPirate  about 2 years ago

    I have what some may find an interesting true story

    I had “come across” an old Kung Fu movie that was one of the best I had ever seen, but the subtitles that came with it were in Dutch. I found a set of English subs for it, but were for a different edit of the film, so the timings were all off, and there were scenes moved or deleted, and some scenes added. I didn’t want to give up on it because it was one of my favorites, so I started an editing project. It turns out that Dutch is one of the easiest languages for an English-Only speaker to get the meaning of just by reading it (and helped by the action in the given scene). I am sure that some of the dialog I came up with is wrong, but it “flows”, and that’s what was important to me. It was a lot of fun

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    goboboyd  about 2 years ago
    Stroopwafel. Stampot, Frities mit mayo (Belgian), Heineken, extra cold at a higher price. Oh, and don’t walk in the bike lanes. They will ring their bike bells aggressively. And you’ll deserve it. Assuage your bruised ego with some great chocolate.
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    CccComics4me  about 2 years ago

    Ginger says “Hold the onions please!”.

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    Brian  Premium Member about 2 years ago

    I met up with my Dutch Uncle. We went to the bar for some Dutch Courage. Dutch of course.

    Sorry to all our friends from The Netherlands for those cultural slurs. Feel free to unleash some ones against my Luxembourger ancestors.

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    adenning2  about 2 years ago

    Onions=uien. I’ve NO IDEA what ‘vittes’ are supposed to be. Having been born in A’dam, near the Heineken brewery, BTW, neither I nor Google Translate nor Apple Translate can find this word.

    Hope you didn’t pay too much for that English to Dutch dictionary, Lennie!

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