Just so, Herb. Talk is cheap goes the saying and inorder for love to do any good, it has to be put into practice. I once had a girlfriend that often said how much she loved me. But, she didn’t think twice about cheating and striking me.
Do you remember what Morgan offered as a solution to this problem? He said to stop talking about it. Stop identifying people as black and white. Brother Martin said the same thing. The problem is we talk too much. As long as we keep dividing people into classes, the longer there will be this issue.
Things have changed. I just moved into a brand new development and there are a number of African-American families who have bought there also. That would have been unheard of when I was a kid.
No amount of talk is going to change the minds of anyone who is determined to hate, protect the children from the lies, or change the minds of the extremists. It’s up to us, individuals, to choose not to hate. It’s taken me a very long time to heal from much hateful propaganda aimed at me. I long to share the healing. If people would just listen to the truth.
preacherman Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Just so, Herb. Talk is cheap goes the saying and inorder for love to do any good, it has to be put into practice. I once had a girlfriend that often said how much she loved me. But, she didn’t think twice about cheating and striking me.
notmoving Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Do you remember what Morgan offered as a solution to this problem? He said to stop talking about it. Stop identifying people as black and white. Brother Martin said the same thing. The problem is we talk too much. As long as we keep dividing people into classes, the longer there will be this issue.
Ichabod Ferguson almost 2 years ago
Things have changed. I just moved into a brand new development and there are a number of African-American families who have bought there also. That would have been unheard of when I was a kid.
Daeder almost 2 years ago
I bet Scott Adams doesn’t read this comic.
christelisbetty almost 2 years ago
As long as SOME PEOPLE, convince SOME OTHER PEOPLE, that they are “better” by accident of birth, there will be little progress.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member almost 2 years ago
No amount of talk is going to change the minds of anyone who is determined to hate, protect the children from the lies, or change the minds of the extremists. It’s up to us, individuals, to choose not to hate. It’s taken me a very long time to heal from much hateful propaganda aimed at me. I long to share the healing. If people would just listen to the truth.