Laughing Redhead Comics by Teresa Logan for March 06, 2023

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    goboboyd  almost 2 years ago

    Eat two or three… with a pint of your favorite salsa.

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    charles9156  almost 2 years ago

    exactly! ;+)

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    banjoAhhh!   almost 2 years ago

    I saw a documentary that said that the iron that we need is only available in animals. They can reproduce it, but it would cost $2,000.00 a burger.

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    banjoAhhh!   almost 2 years ago

    P.S. I also think that all of the statements that say that we can’t eat meat anymore, in order to save the planet is largely vegan propaganda. Herbivores have been farting as long as there have herbivores. The problem isn’t the cow farts. It’s the way modern “farming”, with the animals confined to a very small space that creates the fart problem.

    And, no, I do not question the science behind global warming. I just think a particular group (vegans) are using it for their own ends.

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