At least it’s not “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.”
I knew a man whose daughter divorced her husband and took half. She married him again to divorce him and get the other half.
As they mutter in the twilight zone ’ The problem is that Steve doesn’t really Stack up to Robert or Kim very well.’
And so it goes with old classic H&I liners….
And the nice thing is you can use it immediately after the wedding.
Berkeley Breathed
VictoryRider 3 months ago
At least it’s not “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.”
drivingfuriously Premium Member 3 months ago
I knew a man whose daughter divorced her husband and took half. She married him again to divorce him and get the other half.
Vistoso Quartz Hill #6 3 months ago
As they mutter in the twilight zone ’ The problem is that Steve doesn’t really Stack up to Robert or Kim very well.’
And so it goes with old classic H&I liners….
sincavage05 3 months ago
And the nice thing is you can use it immediately after the wedding.