Chuck Draws Things by Chuck Mullin for May 19, 2023

  1. Nc201206
    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Work to live, don’t live to work.

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  2. 20220521 124810
    TwoCrows  almost 2 years ago

    Absolutely! This is your journey, its not what you accumulate in life, how much money you make or how high on the corporate ladder you climb. Its about getting the most out of your own path, what makes you the best you can be for yourself.

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  3. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  almost 2 years ago

    Sometimes somebody becomes the fuel drag racer performance employee. After 3 runs they are shot and will be replaced or blow parts into the stands.

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  4. 98dc6e4d 2f79 4b1b b6ad 40e22f07889d
    Buoy  almost 2 years ago

    Pigeons are like angels, they must fly, not climb ladders, and the reason they can fly is their hearts are as light as feathers. Corporate ladders can weigh heavy on the heart.

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