Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for February 06, 2009

  1. Red devil
    lisastarr  about 16 years ago

    I usually just say “screw it” and eat an entire pint of Blue Bell.

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  2. 00000
    alondra  about 16 years ago

    500 calories and it’s not even 9:00 AM yet. She’s really pathetic.

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  3. Raven
    arceedee  about 16 years ago

    That’s what happens when you eat addictive snack packs of processed fat/sugar/oil enhanced cr@p instead of the plain natural foods that you don’t get addicted to because of the unnatural taste-bud ‘hit’. Who eats 5 apples or 5 bowls of plain oatmeal or 5 bowls of steamed greenbeans? Why it’s simple and smart as Cathy’s smug-dieter grin!

    (oh of course I for one would MUCH rather eat the addictive hyper-flavorized processed cr@p =D )

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  4. Missing large
    joylederman  about 16 years ago

    UMMMM…it says 8:00 PM, not AM

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    doctorwho29  about 5 years ago

    When one is used to a full stomach feeling, this can happen

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