There was a 52 reading on the thermometer this morning. The forecast for today is all kinds of sunshine and an expected high of 91. I know summer is nice but these temps are ridiculous.
There are wild fires burning in Nova Scotia and we are expecting some of the smoke to be drifting our way. More likely smell smoke but not see any.
I’ll be keeping the usual schedule today and keeping cool, I hope.
Great day for all you Vagabonds and may God bless.
Mark, it sounds like you’re getting up into our range with the temps. We’re looking for 92 today which probably means 97.
Church last night was great. Well, almost. I hurt myself getting into Mike’s car and could barely walk into the church. An hour of sitting and resting and I was fine leaving. The lesson was on the second chapter of Ruth, introducing Boaz into her story.
I still haven’t made it over to the post office, but that’s my only outstanding errand. Other than that, I’ll stay inside and keep cool.
Our pool is empty and will be acid washed today and refilled. We should be able to open up again on Friday.
Dkram over 1 year ago
Welcome to June Vagabonds
There was a 52 reading on the thermometer this morning. The forecast for today is all kinds of sunshine and an expected high of 91. I know summer is nice but these temps are ridiculous.
There are wild fires burning in Nova Scotia and we are expecting some of the smoke to be drifting our way. More likely smell smoke but not see any.
I’ll be keeping the usual schedule today and keeping cool, I hope.
Great day for all you Vagabonds and may God bless.
JanLC over 1 year ago
Good morning, Vagabonds.
Mark, it sounds like you’re getting up into our range with the temps. We’re looking for 92 today which probably means 97.
Church last night was great. Well, almost. I hurt myself getting into Mike’s car and could barely walk into the church. An hour of sitting and resting and I was fine leaving. The lesson was on the second chapter of Ruth, introducing Boaz into her story.
I still haven’t made it over to the post office, but that’s my only outstanding errand. Other than that, I’ll stay inside and keep cool.
Our pool is empty and will be acid washed today and refilled. We should be able to open up again on Friday.
Everyone have a blessed day.
MontanaLady over 1 year ago
it’s 11 a.m., and only 64 right now. it’s supposed to reach 72 this p.m. hooray.