Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for June 10, 2023

  1. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  almost 2 years ago

    Hi Vagabonds

    Still damp around here and now some fog, 49 degree at the time I got up. Start the day cloudy then partial clearing with a slight chance of rain. These back door lows are beginning to get me down, do I have to get a big bulldozer to push this thing out of here?

    Slow Saturday, I like slow Saturdays. Do the run then it’s couch potato time. (^.^)

    May God bless us all, and all y’all have a great day.


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  2. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 2 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    No slow Saturday here. I have a women’s bible study at 8 and then a drive clear across town to the Ladies to Ladies meeting at 10. That should be done by noon. Maybe then I can relax.

    My wrist is doing very well without the brace, though I do wear it at night. I got a dull ache in the early evening, so I used the topical gel that the doc gave me and that cleared it right up.

    Mike came over yesterday afternoon. He had rented a small U-Haul trailer to take bags and bags of clothing to today’s homeless give-away event. He parked it, unhitched it and left the tongue on the ground. Then he loaded up and surprise, surprise he couldn’t lift the tongue to hitch it to his truck. He had to go buy himself a jack to get the tongue high enough to hitch it up again. What he came over to do is show off his “latest round of stupidity” (his words, not mine).

    He was planning to take Michael out to see the new Indiana Jones movie for Father’s Day, but it won’t be out until the 30th. So we’re going out to dinner that day and Mike will give him an IOU for the movie.

    It got up to 94 yesterday and today’s forecast is 92. Summer’s almost here.

    Everyone have a blessed day.

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  3. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  almost 2 years ago

    A good Sabbath morning Vagabonds

    A brighter morning with sun shine, a wake up temperature of 44. A mix of sun and clouds today and a predicted high of 77. (^.^)

    I had a thought bouncing around in my head but it jumped ship and I can no longer recall what. Some times the the brain just skips on down the Yellow Brick Road. (O.O)

    My usual Sunday coming up, church and chicken and playing lazy, it’s the Lords day after all.

    A thought just popped up in that empty spot thar that other thought vacated: I read some where that every day of the week is a sabbath day somewhere.

    I’ll give up while I’m ahead. A good and blessed day to all y’all Vagabonds and may God keep you company.


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  4. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 2 years ago

    Good sabbath, Vagabonds.

    Yesterday’s bible study was great. We covered Revelation 20 and started 21. I’ve been taking some pretty good notes from the others’ comments. I did not go to the Ladies to Ladies meeting yesterday. They were showing the movie “Jesus Revolution” and I just saw it a few months ago. We’ll do the Secret Sister drawing next month, mostly because so many women told me they weren’t going to be there yesterday and “please draw for me”.

    I did get a bit of grocery shopping done yesterday after the bible study, though. I even bought a cane to use when my hip is acting up. It’s a challenge learning to coordinate it while walking. I find that holding it in my left hand and moving it forward with my right leg works best, it’s just a matter of coordination (of which I am lacking).

    It’s another gloomy morning here. The clouds are even thicker than yesterday morning. We got up to 95 yesterday. Today’s forecast is for 85, as is tomorrow’s. (I keep wanting to type “only”, but somehow it doesn’t fit when you get up this high.) The temps later in the week have backed off the triples too.

    Everyone have a blessed Sunday.

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