Sometimes stubbornness can often be a admirable trait when fighting for what you believe in but sometimes it become the missed chance to change the course of your life when the loved ones around you try to change your thinking. My mother missed her chance to live longer and happier because she stubbornly refused to quit smoking when those who cared about asked her to quit smoking. She only quit about a year before she died. She lost a lung but heart disease sealed her fate.
allen@home over 1 year ago
That’s because she knows you’re lying to begin with.
ladykat Premium Member over 1 year ago
Especially when she sits there giving you the stink eye.
Angry Indeed Premium Member over 1 year ago
Sometimes stubbornness can often be a admirable trait when fighting for what you believe in but sometimes it become the missed chance to change the course of your life when the loved ones around you try to change your thinking. My mother missed her chance to live longer and happier because she stubbornly refused to quit smoking when those who cared about asked her to quit smoking. She only quit about a year before she died. She lost a lung but heart disease sealed her fate.