Animal Crackers by Mike Osbun for August 24, 2023

  1. Missing large
    seanfear  over 1 year ago

    unless it’s a road rage – you don’t want more supplies

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  2. Large blue morning
    Yakety Sax  over 1 year ago

    (I own and run a business of about 35 people. One day my secretary is on sick leave, so I answer incoming calls. I receive a call from a masked number who turns out to be my stationery supplier.)

    Me: “Good afternoon, [Company]. How can I help you?”

    Supplier: “Put me through to your manager!”

    Me: “May I know who’s calling?”

    Supplier: “Put me through your manager NOW!”

    Me: “Sir, I cannot transfer you unless I know who’s calling and what this is regarding!”

    Supplier: “Listen here you little s***! I want you to transfer me to your manager immediately, or I will make sure you don’t have a job in the morning!”

    Me: “I seriously doubt it. Now tell me what this is about or this phone call is over!”

    Supplier: “Fine! I’m the new manager and owner of [Small Stationery Supplier], and if you don’t hand over the phone to your boss now, I will get you fired by the end of the day!”

    Me: “Not happening.”

    Supplier: “Hand over the phone, b****!”

    Me: “All right, enough! I am the manager and owner here. My secretary is not in today, so I answer all the calls. Since this is how you treat your customers, I will terminate our contract. I shall also inform my partners, whom you supply, how big of an a**hole you are, and see how that turns out for you.”

    Supplier: “Who the h*** you think you are? I could destroy you! Now stop playing and transfer me, godd*** it!”

    Me: “Wow, an a**hole and a moron… Good bye.” hangs up

    (I kept my word, and terminated the contract and informed my partners about the call. The stationery supplier went out of business shortly after that. It turned out I was their biggest client.)

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    juicebruce  over 1 year ago

    Unlike a Smartphone not everything in life is instant ;-)

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  4. Img 5203
    rockyridge1977  over 1 year ago

    Hard to balance the books….sometimes.

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    Chris  over 1 year ago

    it never does.

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  6. Nowyoulisten
    zeexenon  over 1 year ago

    The failing of Just In Time inventory management hardware component deliveries.

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