Betty by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen for September 21, 2023

  1. Missing large
    goboboyd  over 1 year ago

    ‘Fortune’ might encompass them both?

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  2. Missing large
    fuzzmoz  over 1 year ago

    I once had a paperback book with the title “How to Attract Good Luck.” I lent it to a friend who was unhappy about her love life problems. When I asked her how she liked the book, she answered, “I lost it.”

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  3. Captain smokeblower
    poppacapsmokeblower  over 1 year ago

    You are all aware of the butterfly on the other side of the world causing a hurricane here idea. Consider a molecule of air moving a tree leaf ever so slightly because a different air molecule moved it. Now multiply that molecule by billions and the tree gets blow over on someone’s house. Then back up to look at the air molecule super closely and learn its smallest components aren’t solid anything, but forms of energy, and you realize, “Cause and Effect,” is incomprehensible, not necessarily invalid, but not reducibly understandable.

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