During a business visit to Stanford a couple years ago I drove by the field hockey facility and noticed these powerful water jets wetting down the field. What’s interesting is the field is artificial turf. Apparently they wet the field to help prevent injuries; make for a slicker surface so the ball moves faster; keeps the heat of the sun from burning players when they slip and slide and keep the tons of little black balls that are spread in the turf from flying all around. If that’s not the best argument for natural grass, I don’t know what is.
amxchester over 1 year ago
NFL should follow FIFA.
Ellis97 over 1 year ago
Real grass and mud stains prove that you’ve been truly playing the game.
MailbuEd over 1 year ago
During a business visit to Stanford a couple years ago I drove by the field hockey facility and noticed these powerful water jets wetting down the field. What’s interesting is the field is artificial turf. Apparently they wet the field to help prevent injuries; make for a slicker surface so the ball moves faster; keeps the heat of the sun from burning players when they slip and slide and keep the tons of little black balls that are spread in the turf from flying all around. If that’s not the best argument for natural grass, I don’t know what is.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] over 1 year ago
Ask Elliott Maddox,a once great outfielder for the Yankees,what HE thinks of artificial turf.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] over 1 year ago
Is Daniel Jones still alive? And if he is, how is that possible?
I don’t think the playing surface made any difference yesterday.
paulscon over 1 year ago
You would think that the owners would be more concerned about the longevity of their most important assets, their athletes.