In a quest for the scientific limelight, the allergists' society unveils its theory on the creation of the universe...
I think they did this in hitch hiker’s guide.
one of Terry Pratchett’s works had this, I can’t remember which one, it was a religion in one of the Discworld series
Hitch Hikers Guide. It is the belief of the Jatravartids of Viltvodle VI that the Universe was sneezed out of the Great Green Arkleseizure’s nose.
February 16, 2022
ridits about 14 years ago
I think they did this in hitch hiker’s guide.
sillykit about 13 years ago
one of Terry Pratchett’s works had this, I can’t remember which one, it was a religion in one of the Discworld series
Archistoteles about 3 years ago
Hitch Hikers Guide. It is the belief of the Jatravartids of Viltvodle VI that the Universe was sneezed out of the Great Green Arkleseizure’s nose.