Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 25, 2001
Transcript: the time before Man. Continuing their peaceful transfer of power, Bullemia bids farewell to the outgoing regime... TV: You're tuned to the get-a-life channel, featuring our 24-7 scandal coverage of former emperor, Bubba Baldface. Dinosaur: Oh, joy... TV: Thanks for joining us here on the Mel Lazarus new hour, your highness... Bubba: Oh,'s just plain old Bubba now, Mel. TV: Ok, you plan to follow the tradition of our former emperors and retire from the political spotlight as a distinguished elder statesman? Bubba: Yes, of course! It's my duty to uphold the dignity of the office. Mel: Uh...just how is taking payoffs for pardons and looting the imperial palace going to uphold the dignity of the office? Bubba: That depends on what your definition of "is" is... Kid: Make him go away mommy. Ele: We keep trying sweetheart, we keep trying... "And so we bid adieu for now to Ele and the good folks of Bullemia, promising to drop in from time to time as stupidity warrants."
Marathon Zack almost 10 years ago
And 12/16 years later, Bubba’s wife tries to become Emperor.