Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for August 21, 2005
Transcript: the time before Man Slick: Time for your press conference,'s your response to their questions. Jorge: Gosh, how do you know what they'll ask, Uncle Slick? Slick: Less is more, kid. It doesn't matter what they ask, it only matters what we tell them. Jorge: Okie dokie... Reporter: Emperor Flush...can you explain exactly why you decided to... Jorge: It's the previous regime's fault! Reporter: Uh...traditionally, we get to complete our predictable questions before you pretend to answer them, sur... Jorge: I'm a unificaterer, not a divider-upper! Reporter: Thank you, sir...much better. Dino: Oh, how I love this guy.
Claymore_5by5 almost 14 years ago
Wow, it’s almost as if Mr. Miller could see into the future to our current President, Mr. Obama.
Just remove the vice-emperor’s IV bag and 100 IQ points, add in some hair-plugs and it would be perfect.
Downright spooky………..
sendelbachvernon34 5 months ago
and Junior went to Ivy League school?? Not to mention Top Gun fantasies when he didn’t even serve Guard duties