So… how did Peter go from a LOT of incorrect math (X = 1^3, for example) to a logical notation? Anybody?
Oh, and fesal, there’s an error in simplification somewhere in there… I’ve seen that proof before, and a math teacher tried to pass it off as correct. Didn’t fly with a sophomore in my calculus class.
Superfrog over 15 years ago
pouncingtiger over 15 years ago
Was all that really worth it?
I like his sarcastic expression in the last panel.
Rakkav over 15 years ago
For very large values of A, O and P.
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
Fruit salad! (Cue the Wiggles.)
drwatson over 15 years ago
Don’t let a math teacher see panels 6-8
wicky over 15 years ago
Fruits? shoot, he coulda gone to ess eff for that.
Dkram over 15 years ago
JO-JO You took the words right out of my mouth. (Wiggles?)
Lyons Group, Inc. over 15 years ago
I would’ve said “three fruits” right away.
EarlWash over 15 years ago
Wow, Josh, you’re SHARP!
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
Peter would probably get part marks for showing his work although it is a rather long-winded way of coming up with 3 fruit.
I’d probably say a fruit salad waiting to happen.
Wildmustang1262 over 15 years ago
Is that algebra for fruits? Fruit algebra or an algebra fruit whatevahh!
dianecliff over 15 years ago
Looks like government work to me.
luckystarr24 over 15 years ago
Actually, he gets bad marks for showing his work. He done divided by zero.
Ronshua over 15 years ago
That’s what I had when the IRS was finished with me .
3 zeros divided by zero .
KenyarJad over 15 years ago
So… how did Peter go from a LOT of incorrect math (X = 1^3, for example) to a logical notation? Anybody?
Oh, and fesal, there’s an error in simplification somewhere in there… I’ve seen that proof before, and a math teacher tried to pass it off as correct. Didn’t fly with a sophomore in my calculus class.
krusher2 over 15 years ago
X=(AOP) is incorrect. AOP written as such is 1x1x1=1.
He should have written that X is a function of A,O,P such that
(shouldn’t let engineers read this one either I guess)
ted.jennings over 15 years ago
(a-b)^2 = (a+b)(a-b) = a^2 -2ab -b^2
JesseUWG over 15 years ago
I have no idea what any of you Math buffs are talking about which is why I’m an English major. :-P