my wife wasn’t felling well and went to the e.r. they said she was dehydrated, gave her an i.v. and sent her home. that evening she didn’t feel any better and laid down. our cat kept head butting her until she got back up. we went back to the e.r. where her doctor ran a pregnancy test even though her tubes were tied. turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy which burst while in the e.r. 3 people were squeezing i.v.s to keep fluids in her as she went into shock. several hours later after successful emergency surgery she was going to be ok. if the cat hadn’t kept head butting her she would have fallen asleep and most likely died. the cat has since passed on but will never be forgotten.
Dobber Premium Member 4 months ago
He’s lost that lovin’ feeling.
dbrucepm 4 months ago
my wife wasn’t felling well and went to the e.r. they said she was dehydrated, gave her an i.v. and sent her home. that evening she didn’t feel any better and laid down. our cat kept head butting her until she got back up. we went back to the e.r. where her doctor ran a pregnancy test even though her tubes were tied. turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy which burst while in the e.r. 3 people were squeezing i.v.s to keep fluids in her as she went into shock. several hours later after successful emergency surgery she was going to be ok. if the cat hadn’t kept head butting her she would have fallen asleep and most likely died. the cat has since passed on but will never be forgotten.
mistercatworks 4 months ago
Oh, that’s bad. If my cat does not give me the head butts after a few minutes on our walk, she better be hunting or I will feel slighted.
Zebrastripes 4 months ago
Hmmmm! It’s been a very busy summer ide say!
Chris Sherlock 4 months ago
Trouble in paradise?
markkahler52 4 months ago
Seeing as how his body is basically just one big head, anyway….
Strawberry King 4 months ago
He’s afraid he’ll hurt you. That’s one big head!