The art work always so good seems wasted on the story line?
For the record I love the art and the storylines. I’m a little confused today, but that just gives me something to look forward to on Friday.
Sample the Peruvian delacies. One is called Guinea Pig in North America. Slow roasted. Betcha can’t eat just one!!!!
April 11, 2022
MuddyUSA Premium Member 12 months ago
The art work always so good seems wasted on the story line?
Judeeye Premium Member 12 months ago
For the record I love the art and the storylines. I’m a little confused today, but that just gives me something to look forward to on Friday.
Teto85 Premium Member 12 months ago
Sample the Peruvian delacies. One is called Guinea Pig in North America. Slow roasted. Betcha can’t eat just one!!!!