If you have the money right now, buy the skate board, Eliot. If not, do chores and odd jobs until you have enough to buy it. You’ll appreciate it more.
Before they were commercially available, we made our own using roller skates (the old turn-key kind that came in two pieces) and a 1" by 10" piece of wood. Used to have a terrible time in SoCa with the falling jacaranda flowers fouling up the wheels. When the kid next door broke his arm, my dad sawed it in half. I later did get a nice one and my son had several beautiful long boards, before his roommate took a hard spill that killed him 12 hours later.
allen@home about 1 year ago
Well if you don’t use your own money. You’re not getting a skateboard.
drbee about 1 year ago
That oughta to put him in contention for the ‘Dumbest ’Dad’ question of the year’, anyway….
Tigressy about 1 year ago
Did you?
No – because my mother had no respect whatsoever for my belongings.
Just-me about 1 year ago
Hold tight dad, if he wants the skateboard badly enough he’ll start doing odd jobs, mowing yards, washing cars, etc. I know I did.
ladykat Premium Member about 1 year ago
If you have the money right now, buy the skate board, Eliot. If not, do chores and odd jobs until you have enough to buy it. You’ll appreciate it more.
raybarb44 about 1 year ago
Ask a silly question, expect a silly answer……
MuddyUSA Premium Member about 1 year ago
How was he raised?
cuzinron47 about 1 year ago
How cute, Pete made a funny.
MissScarlet Premium Member about 1 year ago
Before they were commercially available, we made our own using roller skates (the old turn-key kind that came in two pieces) and a 1" by 10" piece of wood. Used to have a terrible time in SoCa with the falling jacaranda flowers fouling up the wheels. When the kid next door broke his arm, my dad sawed it in half. I later did get a nice one and my son had several beautiful long boards, before his roommate took a hard spill that killed him 12 hours later.