The Academia Waltz by Berkeley Breathed for October 29, 2008

  1. Angry maggie
    Tawanda  over 16 years ago

    I can’t read the copy…. please someone, tell someone to do something about it….. I really want to get in on the story but I can’t….Pretty soon I’m going to have to delete this strip from my menu…. PLEASE FIX IT…..

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  2. Bald eagle 11
    TheRedHatt  over 16 years ago

    M I agree, if we can’t read it get rid of it !

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  3. Missing large
    ktasay  over 16 years ago

    Panel 1: Now lookit this gal here… perfume, gold jewelry… she screams ‘debutante’ all over… god I detest her type.

    Panel 2: Bot hold on ole boy… who am I to doom this girl to harsh stereo-typing? Maybe she’s sweet, sensitive and sincere… maybe she’ll even go out with me…

    Panel 3: I only sleep with rich well-hung frat boys.

    Panel 4: Well let’s just be frank about it… With money… I like GOBS of money.

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  4. Missing large
    eriknielsen  over 16 years ago

    A lot of these jokes (including this one) were later re-used in early Bloom County strips, so if you can’t read it here, try over there.

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  5. Joe minotaur
    Ranma_one_half  over 16 years ago

    Same bit used later in a Bloom County strip with Milo and an unknown classmate. Academia Waltz ran from 1978-1979 in the University of Texas’ Daily Texan.

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