The Academia Waltz by Berkeley Breathed for November 20, 2008

  1. Nippon 1
    Nipponkid  over 16 years ago

    Am i to young to understand the last panel? Anyone mind explaining it?

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    cleokaya  over 16 years ago

    Well…there is now an online discussion site where people talk about firearm issues. It couldn’t have existed then, but maybe there was some earlier version of this.

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    eriknielsen  over 16 years ago

    Firing Line was a long-running series on PBS that included, among other things, formal debates. There’s also a column in the Daily Texan (UT’s student newspaper) called The Firing Line, but I’m not sure if it was around when these were published or not.

    Either way, though, it would be a forum to debate the issues of the day.

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    eriknielsen  over 16 years ago

    On further review, the fact that Steve asks for a pen leads me to believe he has to be talking about the column in the Daily Texan. If you look at recent installments (Google it), it appears to be a place for people to basically write letters to the editor arguing about various sensitive topics.

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