Oh yes, please gift me with a little tramp!
Cleokaya, is that you, is that a picture of you? finally a face to the words?
Yes ForeverAllstar, this is me. I think the previous Avatars I had were much more reflective of my personality. LOL
ForeverAllstar, I guess the better question would be, is that you in your avatar? If so, you are very with it for your age.
No that is my two year old jamming in her underpants, hee hee, great blackmail!
Berkeley Breathed
cleokaya almost 16 years ago
Oh yes, please gift me with a little tramp!
ForeverAllstar almost 16 years ago
Cleokaya, is that you, is that a picture of you? finally a face to the words?
cleokaya almost 16 years ago
Yes ForeverAllstar, this is me. I think the previous Avatars I had were much more reflective of my personality. LOL
cleokaya almost 16 years ago
ForeverAllstar, I guess the better question would be, is that you in your avatar? If so, you are very with it for your age.
ForeverAllstar almost 16 years ago
No that is my two year old jamming in her underpants, hee hee, great blackmail!