The Academia Waltz by Berkeley Breathed for December 08, 2009

  1. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  about 15 years ago

    He’d just love the Amazons.

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  2. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  about 15 years ago

    In Greek mythology, what happened to the Amazons?

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  3. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  about 15 years ago

    It’s complicated, because there are various stories about the Amazons, but in one important version they were defeated by the Athenians under Theseus, and his son Hippolytus is the son of the Amazon Hippolyte. But they show up a generation or so later at the end of the Trojan War – Achilles falls in love with Penthesileia just at the moment when he kills her – there’s a great black figure vase illustrating this. There is no reliable historical evidence for the Amazons, so writers or artists can make use of them any way they want.

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  4. Satyr d
    ottod Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Opened an online store.

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