A long time ago, in a city not so far away, I went to a mandatory ethics training meet. I was a lowly depth supervisor, but walking away from the meet I could hear a couple of VPs lamenting training that promoted being truthful in the workplace. One was telling the other that he had a class in his MBA course that taught execs how to lie without being sued for it later. Poor baby capitalist.
Scarcity and demand regulate profitability. They can always charge more if there is no competition. Secondary markets make people pay over $1000 for $75 concert tickets. Nobody has ever justified $50 Beanie babies or Christmas pricing on game systems.
jonnytest 8 months ago
A long time ago, in a city not so far away, I went to a mandatory ethics training meet. I was a lowly depth supervisor, but walking away from the meet I could hear a couple of VPs lamenting training that promoted being truthful in the workplace. One was telling the other that he had a class in his MBA course that taught execs how to lie without being sued for it later. Poor baby capitalist.
PoodleGroomer 8 months ago
Scarcity and demand regulate profitability. They can always charge more if there is no competition. Secondary markets make people pay over $1000 for $75 concert tickets. Nobody has ever justified $50 Beanie babies or Christmas pricing on game systems.
mistercatworks 8 months ago
She’s not even implying but stating a phone makes a man look hot. NOT ethical.
Dragoncat 8 months ago
So… That’s how Ellie would look as a brunette.