Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for March 06, 2024

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    Dkram  11 months ago

    Morning has Broken, Vagabonds

    There is a lair of fog down in the valley and the clouds are once more hiding the top of the ridge. Now those cloud are very low because the ridge ain’t very high. Our current temp is 40. The fog is lifting and the forecast says a rainy day is at hand, high 45.

    Well, I crawled back into my skull some time last night after being driven out of it yesterday. The best part was we were done by one p.m. We went straight through, finished up then went to lunch.

    Nikki Haley “won” the VT primary. Our primary is open and you declare your party when you pick up your ballet, so it is easy for anyone wanting to change the outcome by getting a bunch of the opposition party to vote for a candidate other then the front runner. The State of Vermont doesn’t carry much weight in political matters and now I hear that Haley has dropped out.

    Ugh, going to have to clean out my computer after typing all the political sh-t.

    Have a great day Vagabonds and may God bless.


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  2. Silverknights
    JanLC  11 months ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    It’s sad that Haley was pretty much forced to drop out. She put up a good fight. Here in Nevada, the Reps select our candidate by caucus. This year, a new law mandated a primary as well because the Dems wanted it that way instead of caucus. The Reps chose to stay with the caucus, mostly because it is a lot more transparent and you do have to show ID in order to even get in. They had the mandated primary anyway, but anyone who signed up to be on the primary ballot was not allowed to be on the caucus one. So Trump was on the ballot in the Caucus and Haley in the Primary. She actually won, but since the delegates are chosen by caucus, it meant nothing. By the time the caucus rolled around, Trump was one of only two candidates and the other one was an unknown whose name I don’t remember. So we didn’t go. The last caucus we attended was in 2016. 2020 & 2024 were both foregone conclusions.

    Trump is now only 20 delegates away from securing the nomination.

    Okay. Now I’ll clean out my computer too.

    Rita, if you are still with us, know that my Tuesday prayer group is still praying for you.

    I went for a long walk yesterday for the first time in probably a year. It felt good and my hip did not complain.

    This afternoon I will spend some time with Cozy and then there’s a hockey game at 7. The Wednesday service at Valley Vegas is their “Worship Wednesday” service. It’s all music and no message. As much as I love worship music, I would rather hear a message so I won’t be going.

    We’re looking at 70 again today. As I said yesterday, I’m lovin’ it.

    Everyone have a blessed day.

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