Probable Scenario: Everyone suspected Dallas was a total bleeep. Then he opened his mouth and proved it.
Possible Scenario now: As highly unlikely as it sounds, it just might be possible that Dallas won’t make a total bleeep of himself if he can’t speak. … Nawwwww ….
Sisyphos over 15 years ago
Yeah, tamoroph!
Allen Rymer over 15 years ago
What excellent timing. The women of his class will be glad to have their opinions validated.
rayannina over 15 years ago
This is gonna be tough for him. Usually when he’s around women, he acts like a drooling imbecile. But this time …
YatInExile over 15 years ago
10 year reunion? After the first hour, nobody will notice.
Brer_Rabbit10 over 15 years ago
Ten year reunion? I had always envisioned that he was “a bit” older than that.
Ray_C over 15 years ago
The women will also be glad they won’t be getting their tonsils licked when he greets them.
jrbj over 15 years ago
Probable Scenario: Everyone suspected Dallas was a total bleeep. Then he opened his mouth and proved it.
Possible Scenario now: As highly unlikely as it sounds, it just might be possible that Dallas won’t make a total bleeep of himself if he can’t speak. … Nawwwww ….
ejcapulet over 15 years ago
I think I like this dentist.
Guilden_NL over 15 years ago
cholldekkgher stenst - That was good, I had a great laugh!
Sherlock Watson over 15 years ago
Sing along with Steve! “Tamoroph, tamoroph, I uff oo tamoroph, ish onee a day ah-ay…”