Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for September 15, 2015

  1. Missing large
    Randallw  over 9 years ago

    Was this comic before or after the end of communism ?

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  2. Alexander the great
    Alexander the Good Enough  over 9 years ago

    I used to live near the now submerged town of Onoville, NY. Supposedly, it was named thus because when the original (white, it was on the now mostly submerged Seneca res) residents met to decide on a name for their little settlement, a scene similar to the one above developed. Thus, Oh No Ville. The Senecas were never much amused by it, and were even less amused when it became a boat launch.

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  3. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 9 years ago

    Typical talking heads palaver and final agreement to disagree….

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    chris_o42  over 9 years ago

    Can you imagine someone saying “fat broads with talk shows” Now—in the Decade of “I’m Offended”???

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    mattro65  over 9 years ago

    George Will, a conservative know nothing.

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    bulwynkl  over 9 years ago

    actually, that explains a lot…. (um. including why I did a PhD…)

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