thats not a sled Brandy, its a travois. ˈtra-ˌvȯi. plural travois also travoises trə-ˈvȯiz. ˈtra-ˌvȯiz. : a simple vehicle used by Plains Indians consisting of two trailing poles serving as shafts and bearing a platform or net for the load.
She seems to be inside a building. Doesn’t it have a fireplace she could start a fire in? Even a closet that would contain their body heat would be an improvement. Outside isn’t looking like a good place to be.
Uncle Kenny 10 months ago
That’s a lot of bra straps!
Barnabus Blackoak 10 months ago
thats not a sled Brandy, its a travois. ˈtra-ˌvȯi. plural travois also travoises trə-ˈvȯiz. ˈtra-ˌvȯiz. : a simple vehicle used by Plains Indians consisting of two trailing poles serving as shafts and bearing a platform or net for the load.
oish 10 months ago
Just in time for the holidays, the Errand goes bra-less
sandflea 10 months ago
She’s the best.
Wendy Emlinger Premium Member 9 months ago
She seems to be inside a building. Doesn’t it have a fireplace she could start a fire in? Even a closet that would contain their body heat would be an improvement. Outside isn’t looking like a good place to be.